
North-East & East Coast of Africa
Zone Order | ABC Order
Anfile Bay Ashrafi I.
Bazaruto Bay Beira
Berbera Brava
Cape Agulhas Cape Town
Chole Bay Dar es Salaam
Djibouti Durban
East London Ghubbat Kallansiya
Inhamissengo Entrance Inhccmbane River
Kiswere Harbour Kosi River
Lindi Lourenco Marques
Malindi Massawa
Mkokotoni Harbour Mogadiscio
Moma Mossel Bay
Mozambique Harbour Msuka Bay
Port Alfred Port Beaufort
Port Berenice Port Elizabeth
Port Mombasa Port St. John's
Porto de Chinde Porto de Ibo
Quseir Ras Asir
Ras Gharib Ras Hafun
Rirkau Entrance Shaker I.
Simons Bay Suez
Tunghi Bay Tur
Xiis Zafarana
Coast of China
SE PART of Aisa & SW PART of
N. Pacific Oecan
South Coast of Asia
North-East & East Coast of Africa
Indian Ocean Island
Australia coast
Pacific Islands
West Coast of North America
West Coast of South America
Tide Table Weather WINDY
North-East & East Coast of Africa → RED Sea, South-West Coast → Suez
Latitude:29.933333 / Longitude:32.55 / Sea level:114cm / September 16, 2024 [Standard Time:2hE.]

  Suez WINDY Map

  Suez WINDY MAP - Link


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